Monday, April 05, 2004

Mish Mash

Found an interesting site today:
Kind of makes one wonder who could possibly be listening now. Hard to argue with him. He makes good cases for both sides.

I spend quite some time in the "library" reading Sports Illustrated. I'd never leave if I had this: could it get any better?!?!?!

You know, Russert could have really nailed Dick Clarke on Sunday during "Meet The Press" and he didn't. I don't know why, don't really care. Just an observation. I don't have much use for Mr. Clarke. Either Bush was tough on Terror or he did nothing. Which is it? Kind of like my Mom's buddy Kerry talking about defense (or anything for that matter). You can pretty sure Mr. Kerry will be for what ever you are for, at least while he's talking to you.
Perhaps Clarke could be Kerry's running mate.

good enough for now.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Back To "A Quote To Ponder"

I found this quote recently:
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. --Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)

This quote speaks to that way I feel about the "protectionism" that prevails today. We protect everyone from everything. Wait, it's worse than that, We over-protect. I'm sure the over-protecting started before this situation but the case of over-protecting that started me being angry about it was the suit against McDonald's for their coffee being hot. Look, If you put coffee between your legs while driving, you are at risk of toasting your privates. You and you alone are to blame if it happens. "Coffee is hot" is not a warning label. My three year old knows coffee is hot and he cannot read yet.
If you and a buddy decide that a lawn mower would be a great tool for trimming your hedge, you and you alone are at fault for losing your fingers or hands. A warning label that says: "this is a lawn mower and is not to be used as to trim trees, hedges, toe nails, hair, etc." should not be required. Again, My three year old son knows a lawn mower when he sees it. He also knows not to put his fingers underneath when it is running, but that label doesn't seem to bother me as much.

Just two examples of how common sense is being bred out of us by this over protecting. Conversely, (directly to the point) we are phucking with evolution. The theory of evolution dictates that the fittest will survive. I will take a liberty with the word fit, I choose to believe that fit also applies to the brain or to general "smarts" ie: common sense. The survival of humans as a species can be directly related to the level of common sense that we have displayed (necessity being the mother of invention if you will).

Flash to a cave man who cannot reach and apple in a tree "Hey, I know. What if I use that stick over there on the ground to knock it down?" eureka!!!

I believe that if we continue to protect those with less than common sense (one could use the term idiots. Let's call them un-fit), then they will survive to breed more un-fit. Reverse Darwinism! We'll need more warning labels. Like: "Water is wet" and "Knife is Sharp" and "Children are Hard Work" (oooo that could be a rant!).

This is the root of my campaign to remove all unnecessary warning signs and use them to beat the lawyers and plaintiffs that attempt bring protectionism suits to court. Or perhaps we will label them with a sign that says: "I am un-fit", I prefer a "kick me" sign but that's just me. I am not alone in my distaste for warning labels:
But they only find them to be funny or annoying. They are not thinking about the effects of these warning labels. How do we stop these frivolous suits? Simple. Take responsibility for your actions. If you fall in your yard, It is not Phil Knight's fault that your Nike's do not have good traction on ice. Cut your finger chopping carrots for dinner? Don't sue Ginsu. You get the idea. Learn from your mistakes and make your life better.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

A Provocative Rant In Late For Obvious Objective Love

I can't take it anymore. When you can't beat them you might as well join them. I am now a liberal. In my new enlightened capacity I will hereby work to get all people to give 84% of their income directly to the US Government. They certainly know better how to spend it than they do. I will however develop intricate complicated tax laws with tiny little loop holes in order for me to keep all of my money. I will scold all of you republican heartless right wingers for driving gas guzzling murderous SUV's and demand that your insurance rates be higher. I will build a shrine to Lyndon B. Johnson and Ralph Nader!! I will kiss the feet of the statues I erect on my front lawn in their memory. I will personally fly to France and apologize for my previous derogatory statements towards them. While there, I will insult our current President and swear on an auto-biography of Barbara Striesand that I will move to France if Dubbya gets re-elected. I will become an atheist. Because there is a chance I will come in contact with one of my US or State elected officials and we cannot have any chance of religion swaying any vote we may discuss. I will stop showering in order to conserve water. I will demand that we stop importing foreign oil. But will also demand that we stop drilling for oil here. I will work to ensure that all of our children get passing grades whether they deserve them or not because we can all succeed if we have good self esteem. But that success will not be monetary. I will work to completely eliminate the monetary system because it just breeds injustice and greed. There will be no need for money since we will all get what we need because we need it. Gosh, It's so easy to be like this. No thinking. No choosing. Just feel and live on emotion. What a nice life this will be. We'll all listen to the Grateful Dead, eat grilled cheese sandwiches and discuss April Sunshine's macrame.
(take the first letter of each word in the title of this rant for and explanation of this rant.)