Friday, December 30, 2005

Statistics of Katrina

This gentleman claims that more whites died as a percentage of the population than blacks in the Katrina tragedy. His claims, while probably correct numerically got me to thinking about number manipulation again, so I did a little research.
I started with the link in his article. Then I went to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals website. Which led me (not easily) to Katrina Missing website. And then to the actual statistical data.
For some reason the demographic breakdown is only done on bodies released to families, so the breakdown is for 588 of the 1096 recovered bodies. In my opinion it is far too early to declare a "winner" in the race to see which race died at a higher rate. However, as an academic exercise, it interesting to see that 287 blacks and 259 whites perished in the flooding. A difference of 28 (6%). Hardly a clear case for racism. Yet, has anyone else heard about this? Do you suppose Kayne West or Lewis Farakan will go on live TV and say: "I was wrong. President Bush is not a racist." No. Nor, as in the first link, will any news media source acknowledge this. I look forward to seeing the final tally.
As an aside, the feminazi manhaters can take solace in the fact that 51% of the deaths were male and 49% female. Every little bit helps the cause, right.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No Sale

Good News!! But it doesn't sell papers. Come to think of it, circulation is way down. Perhaps if they put in some good news it would go up. nah.

If WWII Happened Now

I followed a link to this through "The VodkaPundit". A very well written tongue in cheek piece that describes events of World War II if written by today's journalist. Funny in the saddest way possible.

Please go here for some history

Merry Christmas ACLU!!

I do not send Christmas cards. Not because I am Anti-Christmas, no. I am lazy. But I am going to send one card this year and I beg you, implore you to send your one card to the ACLU this year. Follow this link to detailed instructions on what to do and the address of the ACLU Main office. I think this is a worthy and great idea. Thank you.